Coastal erosion and beach stability in Limón, Caribbean Sea, Costa Rica
erosion, waves, sea level, coastline, Caribbean, Costa RicaAbstract
The variation of the coastline was studied in some beaches of the Caribbean of Costa Rica. For Moín, the variation of the coastline was evaluated since the first aerial photographs (1952), before and after the tectonic uplift that produced the April 1991 earthquake. Erosion and accretion processes have occurred in this area as a result of not only tectonism, but also the construction of port structures. Parabolic profiles were adjusted to the coastline to evaluate the static equilibrium of the Moín beach and its relationship with the change in the wave pattern due to the rise of Pájaros Island before and after the earthquake and the influence of the construction of port terminals. This parabolic adjustment was extended to other beaches in Limón to also assess its state of equilibrium. Physical parameters such as sea surface temperature, wave height and sea level were evaluated to relate the erosion processes experienced in the region. The results indicate that both an increase in sea temperature and sea level, with a tectonic process still active and extreme ocean-meteorological phenomena in recent years, could justify the evident erosion that continues in the area.
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