Coastal erosion and flood susceptibility in Paraty, Southeast Brazil
Shoreline, Coastal erosion, Susceptibility to flooding, Paraty, UAVAbstract
This study aimed to characterize the behavior of the Paraty shoreline, in the south of the state of Rio de Janeiro, and identify the areas that are most susceptible to erosion and flooding. This region is characterized by a drowned coast, marked by a succession of small embayments and narrow coastal plains. The methodology consisted of using a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for the production of orthoimage mosaics (2019) and digital surface models (DSM); shoreline mapping between 2005 and 2019; identification of areas susceptible to erosion and flooding; and flood simulation performed on the Simulate Water Level Rise/Flooding package, from Global Mapper software. The results show that the southern sector of Jabaquara Beach, the beaches of Pontal and Terra Nova (in the center of Paraty - Centro) in the sheltered portion of the coast of Paraty, in addition to Cepilho and Fora (in Trindade), showed erosive behavior over the 14 years analyzed. Ranchos Beach (Trindade) and the northern sector of Jabaquara showed stable behavior and the central sector of Jabaquara showed an accretion during the same period. The coast of Jabaquara, the central area of Paraty, and the southwest sector of Trindade were considered the most vulnerable to flooding due to their susceptibility and the high concentration of the urban and tourist infrastructure of the municipality, where the problems caused by erosion and flooding have been frequently reported by residents and visitors.
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