Spatio-temporal distribution of hospital care for diabetes Mellitus

The case of the Western and Southern Metropolitan Health Services, Chile


  • Eduardo Carvajal Departamento de Geografía, Universidad Alberto Hurtado



Territorial diagnosis, Hospital care, Health inequalities, Diabetes mellitus


Hospital care for chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, represents a constant demand on the health system. The importance of monitoring and detection of socio-spatial gaps in the supply of hospital beds play a key role in territorial health diagnoses. The methodology uses a set of spatial statistical techniques applied to demographic and clinical factors in the communes that make up the Western Metropolitan Health Service and the Southern Metropolitan Health Service, together with the space-time examination of hospital occupancy due to diabetes in the five-year period 2015-2019. The results allow us to know the cyclical evolution of hospital demand according to the seasonal transition of diabetes in the territory, the demographic composition and the needs of the population, offering a space-time diagnosis based on logics of imbalances and territorial rebalancing that can offer a Valuable planning vision for health teams


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How to Cite

Fuenzalida, M., & Carvajal, E. (2022). Spatio-temporal distribution of hospital care for diabetes Mellitus: The case of the Western and Southern Metropolitan Health Services, Chile. Revista Geográfica De Chile Terra Australis, 58.


