Spatial accesibility in the commune of Quinta Normal for Education, Health and Security Services using the 2sfca method
Territorial planning, econometrics, Euclidian distance, New ParadigmsAbstract
Territorial planning is key to ordering the territory based on equity for public and private services, which is why the how, where and why it is planned becomes relevant. The COVID-19 pandemic put in check several territorial paradigms that were believed to have been resolved, one of them was related to how the population interacted with services in an asymmetric way and in the hardest moment of the crisis, services in order to “adapt ” to the new times, they generated a symmetrical relationship where these went towards the people, therefore, the distance to relevant services such as education, health or security play an important role in being able to plan the day to day and this is where the problem arises of access to services related to territorial planning.
In order to know the spatial accessibility, one of the ways is to use the two-factor spatial accessibility econometric formula (2SFCA) for the district of Quinta Normal, located in the northwestern zone of the Metropolitan Region, Province of Santiago, Chile. Where, it is sought to know what is the existing spatial accessibility from the blocks of Quinta Normal towards the respective services of education (establishments basic level - average of public character), health (establishments corresponding to the public system) and security (Carabineros de Chile and Police de Investigaciones de Chile), using ArcGIS Pro software.
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