Use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the analysis of natural risks: Landslides in the Ancoa Reservoir Sector, Linares Province, Maule Region.
UAV, Landslide, Geomorphological analysisAbstract
On July 20, 2022 at 9:00 p.m., a landslide-type mass removal was recorded on route L-39, specifically at km 30.7 of the area of the first viewpoint of the Ancoa Reservoir, which is frequented by residents and visitors who come to this tourist sector. The landslide generated a road cut of 200 m, with the affected area of the hillside approximately 5,251 m2. UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) flight was carried out in the study area, to obtain geographic information, data collection and geomorphological surface processes of the landslide, based on orthophoto measurements and generation of surface elevation models (DSM). The results show that photogrammetry from UAVs provides flexible and effective tools to evaluate and analyze geomorphological characteristics, in addition to mapping and monitoring this type of mass removal, being the basis for generating multitemporal studies.
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