Analysis of land use change using remote sensing and GIS techniques in the Cazaderos forest, Loja province, Southern Ecuador
Land use, Deforestation, Remote sensing, GIS, Cazaderos, LojaAbstract
The predominant aim of the current study has been to determine land use change over a period of eight years in the Cazaderos dry forest in the province of Loja in Ecuador using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The methodology employed included the application of supervised classification of multispectral satellite imag-es applied to freely available Landsat 8 images using Catalyst image processing software and the application of the Object Analysis technique, which is presented as the methodological protocol in remote sensing that offers the highest level of accuracy. This process was accompanied by complementary Geographical Infor-mation System (GIS) techniques that allowed spatialization and quantification of the resulting information. The Cazaderos dry forest in the period of analysis has suffered a significant spatial fragmentation dominated by the current presence of bare soils that were previously covered by dense shrubs and have undergone a process of deforestation. During the period 2013 - 2021 the deforestation process extended to an area of 1273.95 ha corresponding to 15.21% of the total surface of the study area while reforestation reached 1426.86 ha corresponding to 17.04% of the total surface.
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