Geomorphological characterization of channel heads from the La Ventana upper basin (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
flow catchment areas, fluvial morphometry, fluvial geomorphology, ephemeral fluvial environmentsAbstract
Knowing the location of channels heads and the factors that interfere with their formation are of great importance because they affect the length of the channels, drainage density, or delay times of the basin. These factors affect the flash floods that characterize the study area and represent a danger to the local population. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify and characterize the river heads in a sector of the upper basin of the La Ventana stream (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) and their relationship with the geomorphological variables that influence their location (height, lithology, area, slope, and length), as well as other local factors. For this analysis, the ALOS PALSAR 12,5x12,5m Digital Surface Model, Google Earth Pro® satellite images, geological charts, and fieldwork were used. This analysis made it possible to find significant physical differences between the streams and catchment areas of the northern and southern slopes of the basin. The interpretation of the results suggests that the physical variables (slope, height, and lithology) independently are not determinants in the formation of the beginning of a channel; rather, they are the interactions that develop between them and other local factors that give rise to the formation of river courses.
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