From Inactive Prehispanic Archaeological Monument to Urban Scene Generator of Self-Sustainable Communities.


  • Oscar Víctor Martín Vargas Chozo Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Lima Perú
  • Jorge Carlos Carrasco Aparicio Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Lima Perú
  • Camila de Fátima Balarezo Llanos Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Lima Perú
  • Manuel Agustín Gamarra Sampén Universidad San Martín de Porres, Filial Norte, Perú
  • Erik Omar Escalona Aguilar Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins
  • Giancarlo Champoñan Moyano Universidad San Martín de Porres, Filial Norte Chiclayo, Perú
  • Percy Junior Castro Mejía UNiversidad Cesar Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú



Historical monument, degradation, collective memory, community participation


The pre-Hispanic archaeological monuments on the Peruvian coast, known as huacas, have pyramidal geomorphological characteristics and represent a valuable monumental heritage. The presentation focuses on the huaca of the Pueblo Joven Santa Rosa in the city of Lambayeque, Peru, with the purpose of (re)activating it as a way of protection from urban pressure, for which they propose mechanisms and strategies for integration into the city. The development is divided into three phases: first, the huaca in its current social and urban context. Then, contemporary urban strategies for action in the huaca are presented and finally, prospective scenarios are proposed. Four interconnected elements were considered: individual, society and community; disciplinary corpus; project production and evaluation. The results reveal the potential of these archaeological spaces in the territory and their impact on the environment. Opportunities are also identified to transform the surrounding environment, promoting the reactivation of these cultural vestiges and the development of sustainable communities in Lambayeque, Peru.


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How to Cite

Vargas Chozo, O. V. M., Carrasco Aparicio, J. C., Balarezo Llanos, C. de F., Gamarra Sampén, M. A., Escalona Aguilar, E. O., Champoñan Moyano, G., & Castro Mejía, P. J. (2024). From Inactive Prehispanic Archaeological Monument to Urban Scene Generator of Self-Sustainable Communities. Revista Geográfica De Chile Terra Australis, 60(1).




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