Creación de una metodología para la definición de un planteamiento técnico preliminar de una poligonal urbana en el centro poblado Lagunillas, jurisdicción Lagunillas del Municipio Sucre del Estado Mérida
Currently, the Sucre Municipality of the state of Mérida Venezuela, like many jurisdictions and municipalities in the country do not have the necessary tools to carry out all the urban planning processes, cadastre and other branches of geography, and some of these deficiencies is that It does not have an updated urban polygon as a technical approach that allows it to carry out these activities in the geographical area. As Amaya, C. (2013) describes that an urban polygonal or delimitation of an urbanized area is essential to develop different urban planning tasks, it is clear that the Lagunillas Jurisdiction of the Sucre Municipality does not escape this. For this reason it is very important to design a technical methodology that can generate an easy way to propose a preliminary proposal of urban polygonal, creating a methodology that not only meets the basic requirements for tracing polygonal for urban planning purposes, but also adapt to the reality that Venezuela is currently going through where resources are very scarce and the flow that facilitates communication between researchers and government personnel is so limited. So, through the use of a Sasplanet image, analysis of geographic variables, management of Geographic Information System and elaboration of map algebra, it was possible to establish a preliminary technical approach that allows the drawing of a preliminary proposal of urban polygonal for the study area
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