Impact analysis of 2014 fire in the Vergel, Valparaíso Region


  • Fernando González Aliste Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins
  • Yonathan Quintana Jara Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins



forest fire, urban-rural interface, multi-temporal analysis, aerial-photogrammetry


In Valparaíso, during the month of April 2014, a forest fire spread through seven hills of the commune of the same name, affecting more than 1,000 hectares and 2,900 homes, and is known as "The Great Fire of Valparaíso" because of the impact it had on the population and the environment.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the fire in a sector of the population of El Vergel on the hill of La Cruz, which is an area close to the initial focus of the fire, which presents favorable geomorphological characteristics for the propagation of the flames, product of the abrupt slopes, zones of urban-rural interface and an urbanistic disorder that has been increasing, leaving more exposed the buildings of the sector.

To carry out the research, the method of multi-temporal study was used from images captured at different times by an airborne photogrammetric sensor, from which different products were generated as georeferenced mosaics and planimetry of the area, from which an analysis was made with geospatial information system programs, managing to quantify and assess the damage caused by the disaster, as well as the reconstruction of buildings, to finally determine the high-risk areas and mitigation measures implemented after the event.

This research methodology is available to different public or private organizations to be replicated not only for forest fires, but for any type of disaster.


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How to Cite

González Aliste, F., & Quintana Jara, Y. (2020). Impact analysis of 2014 fire in the Vergel, Valparaíso Region. Revista Geográfica De Chile Terra Australis, 56(1), 41–61.


