About the Journal

ISSN 0378-8482  print
ISSN 0719-9562  online

The Revista Geográfica de Chile Terra Australis was born as an initiative of a great Chilean visionary and geopolitician, Major General Ramón Cañas Montalva, a notable reference in aspects related to the Chilean Antarctic Territory, hence the origin of the name of this scientific publication.

General Cañas Montalva served as director of the Military Geographic Institute (IGM) between 1946 and 1947, which led to the creation of the magazine's first edition in 1948.

Numerous research studies in geography and related sciences have been published on its pages, thus allowing the academic and scientific development of students, professionals, specialists, and academics in geosciences.

Terra Australis is currently an electronic publication of the IGM, jointly edited by the IGM and the Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins (UBO). Indexed in Scopus, Lantindex, REDIB, ERIHPLUS, and Sherpa/Romeo and where high-quality studies or abstracts are published; gathering empirical, theoretical, and descriptive research that improve the understanding of geosciences and related areas based on diverse perspectives of national and international analysis that are framed in its editorial line on Earth sciences and topics according to the following:

a) Modeling and simulation of complex environmental systems.
b) Water resources engineering and sustainable water management.
c) Renewable energies and energy efficiency
d) Circular economy and sustainable waste management
e) Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems.
f) Emerging technologies for environmental monitoring and protection.
g) Development of materials for the implementation of new sustainable technologies.

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