Proposal of a methodology in the survey of land use, case study: La Reina Military Camp


  • Pedro Castillo Figueroa Instituto Geográfico Militar



land use, geospatial database, histogram, images


Currently, the Army contemplates within its administration the fiscal lands, a territorial distribution from Putre to Antarctica, according to a specific mission and an organization focused on both the Land Force and the Generating Force. It is in this context that, through the application of Geomatics tools, the objective is to develop a methodology for surveying land use in the Chilean Army. For which the procedure will be designed and the use of land in the Campo Militar la Reina (CMLR) will be determined as a study area, through the use of images from different open sources. In general terms, it intends to apply a methodology based on the gathering of
requirements by the Stakeholders (Headquarters of Properties and the Department of Infrastructure of theEducation and Doctrine Command), with the purpose of establishing a geospatial database for the use of land, specifically for the different fiscal lands existing in the Chilean Army. Taking into consideration the preceding background, 05 (five) images from different open sources were evaluated, with the purpose of selecting the most appropriate image, by establishing different factors, which served as parameters to make the selection, among them its color and grayscale histograms, spatial resolution, and temporality. Subsequently, the elements
were vectorized, these being housed in a geospatial database, obtaining the relevant and important information for decision making.Key words: land use, geospatial database, methodology, images.


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How to Cite

Castillo Figueroa, P. (2023). Proposal of a methodology in the survey of land use, case study: La Reina Military Camp. Revista Geográfica De Chile Terra Australis, 58(2).