Hydrological modeling for the discharge production in an experimental area of the Guayas river basin, Ecuador
Hydrological, HEC-HMS, Modeling, GIS, Guayas River Basin, EcuadorAbstract
Hydrological simulation is a vital issue within the comprehensive management of hydrographic basins, with estimates being an input for decision-making by territorial managers. The objective of the current study is to conduct the hydrological modeling of an experimental basin of the Guayas River, where the discharge of the Baba River will be simulated using the HEC-HMS hydrological modeler. Hereby, the morphometric and hydrological modeling of the basin was performed from a global DEM (ASTER GDEM) in an environment of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) complemented with the analysis of thematic coverage of land types and uses as well as of precipitation data for the sector. The simulation of the discharge of the experimental basin determined that twenty percent of the precipitation that fell in the time window of analysis generated direct runoff and the residual eighty percent is attributed to abstractions. This is a condition that is given by the presence of agricultural crops corresponding to seventy percent forest masses, native forest and shrubby vegetation, as well as by the interception processes as well as water catchment systems in the urban area. The adequate results obtained in the application of the HEC - HMS model are based on the previous work of physical and hydrological characterization of the basin expressed through the physiographic structure of the basin and the valorization of the parameters that characterize the hydrological processes. This research tends to be useful for small hydrographic basins in Ecuador that play an important role in the ecosystem and lack of hydrometeorological information.
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