Search of Circular Surface Landforms with Negative Topography Associated with Geological Processes in a Physical Geography Framework within the Province of Pichincha, Ecuador.
geometric signature, circular landform, digital surface model, geological processes, geometric information systemAbstract
The circular surface landforms with negative topography are the result of the interaction of factors of natural origin associated with active and inactive geological processes; therefore, if these processes occur again, they would generate events that may constitute a threat to the population, the means of production and the environment, making it necessary to identify, define and spatially locate these structures in the territory. This study is a first approximation of achieving this purpose through compositions of geometric signatures using the variables of slope, texture, convexity, concavity, valley depth, convergence index and analytical hillshading in the SAGA 7.8.2 software. The procedure carried out began with the recognition of circular landforms with positive topography as volcanic structures and their main characteristics (drains, slopes, craters, escarpments, erosion marks, among others), these already identified structures allowed us to collect useful information to define circular landforms with negative topography delimiting a large erosion zone in the northeastern study area. However, the need to determine an automatic procedure that allows the identification of target structures in an automated way, through the use of geographic information systems is confirmed.
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